06 Jun

Whilst there isn’t a ‘right way’ to present a CV, below are a few points which may guide you if you’re looking for a new opportunity.. 

  • Keep it concise – aim to keep your CV around 2 pages.  Keep it relevant, concise and clear.  It’s not the end of the world if you write over 2 pages but if you have a 10 page CV people are less likely to read it! 
  • Use bullet points – presenting key information regarding your experience is MUCH easier when using bullet points and also makes easier reading for a Hiring Manager/Recruiter.   
  • Get your dates right – an obvious one but very important!  A CV is your chance to present yourself, make sure your giving the right impression and putting down accurate dates. Some employers will look on Linkedin profiles so make sure your CV matches your profile!
  • Creative CVs – creative CV’s are a bit like marmite, some people love them and some people don’t.  My advice would be to research the company you’re applying to and establish their values, do they look for creative personalities? Are they looking for someone with design skills?  

Finally, tweak your CV to every position you apply for.  Every job advert is different and every job has different requirements, tweak your CV so that it looks relevant and closely matches the job specification. 

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